Laser Sun Damage Treatment

This treatment involves the application of intense light that penetrates deeply beneath the epidermis, stimulating collagen production

laser sun damage treatment

About IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photofacial is an advanced laser light treatment targeting pigment-related concerns, such as Age Spots, Sun Damage, Freckles, Spider Veins, Redness, Rosacea, and Large Pores. This treatment involves the application of intense light that penetrates deeply beneath the epidermis, stimulating collagen production. The targeted pigment issues absorb the light, gradually rising to the skin’s surface and eventually shedding, revealing rejuvenated, youthful, and radiant skin.

IPL can be effectively utilized on various body areas, including the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back, arms, and legs.

At LifeStream Family medicine, our physician will conduct a comprehensive skin assessment to determine the suitability of sun damage treatment for your individual needs.

What Results Can I Expect From IPL?

Following an IPL photofacial, no downtime is required. You may experience slight swelling and pinkness, which typically subsides within hours. Makeup can be used to conceal any temporary discoloration. To minimize irritation and accelerate healing, we recommend applying a soothing cream and utilizing anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling. Over the next few days, underlying sun damage and irregularities will surface and naturally exfoliate. It’s essential to safeguard your skin with sunscreen and avoid picking at your skin during this period. While initial results are noticeable after one session, optimal outcomes are typically achieved through several photofacial sessions. The recommended schedule at LifeStream Family medicine is approximately 3 – 6 sessions spaced every four weeks.

Sun damage skin

Am I A Good Candidate For An IPL Photofacial?

An IPL photofacial works the deeper layers of your skin to improve many complexion concerns (particularly sun spots and brown lesions) with little or no downtime needed after treatment. The best candidates for IPL at The Family medicine Lab may have several concerns with their skin, including rosacea, sun damage, brown spots (hyperpigmentation), rough texture, large pores, flushing, freckles, melasma, age and sun spots, or spider veins. Dr. Winslowwill examine your complexion to determine if you will benefit from an IPL photofacial during your initial consultation.

before after sun damage

Laser Sun Damage Faqs

To prevent future sun damage in Bradenton FL, it’s advisable to wear sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors. Avoiding tanning beds, another source of harmful UV rays, is crucial. Incorporating products containing Vitamin C into your daily skincare routine can also aid in prevention.
While IPL is generally safe for various skin tones and types, it’s recommended to seek professional advice to ensure suitability for your specific skin type. At LifeStream Family Medicine, we proudly cater to individuals of diverse backgrounds and requirements, providing safe and effective treatment recommendations.
Laser treatments are safe for skin enhancement, but only when administered by a skilled professional. Choosing a clinic based solely on cost or discounts can be risky. Inexperienced individuals can cause harm or subpar results. Our qualified providers at LifeStream Family Medicine possess the expertise and credentials to deliver treatment aligned with your goals, ensuring your safety and satisfaction.

Laser Sun Damage Treatment in Lakewood Ranch FL

LifeStream Family Medicine is your premier destination for advanced skin rejuvenation treatments in Lakewood Ranch, FL. We specialize in cutting-edge solutions to address various skin concerns, including sun damage and signs of aging. Our state-of-the-art lip laser treatment is designed to target sun damage effectively, restoring your skin’s natural radiance and vitality. Sun exposure can take a toll on your skin, leading to premature aging, pigmentation issues, and fine lines. Our lip laser treatment harnesses the power of advanced technology to reverse the signs of sun damage. By precisely targeting damaged areas, our treatment stimulates collagen production, helping to diminish the appearance of wrinkles and sun spots.

We also offer anti-aging solutions tailored to your unique needs. Our comprehensive approach combines innovative techniques with personalized care to deliver exceptional results. Whether you’re concerned about fine lines, uneven skin tone, or loss of elasticity, our team is here to help you achieve a youthful complexion you’ll love. Located in Lakewood Ranch, FL, LifeStream Family Medicine is your trusted partner in skincare. Our experienced medical professionals are dedicated to providing safe, effective treatments in a comfortable and welcoming environment. 

With our expertise and commitment to excellence, you can confidently turn back the clock and reveal smoother, healthier-looking skin. Don’t let sun damage or signs of aging hold you back. Experience the transformative power of our lip laser and anti-aging treatments at LifeStream Family Medicine. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards a more youthful and radiant appearance.